Practice News
We are planning to move
As part of our Patient Engagement Strategy we are holding an Open Evening at Werrington Church Street on Wednesday 16th October 6-7pm. We are excited to show you around the new premises. All Werrington Health Centre patients are invited to attend.
ANNOUNCEMENT - Paston & Werrington Health Centre and Boroughbury Medical Centre
Following the retirement of Dr Patel and Dr Shah at the end of September 2023, after their long service and contribution to Primary Care, we are delighted to share some exciting news with you.
From the 1st October 2023, Dr Sood and the Partners of Boroughbury Medical Centre will come together to form a new Partnership for both Paston & Werrington Health Centre and Boroughbury Medical Centre.
We have been working in partnership with Boroughbury Medical Centre, as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN) since 2019 and one of the aims of our PCN is to build capacity and resilience in our Practices
Forming the new Partnership will serve to strengthen this and brings together a wealth of Clinical knowledge and Leadership and Management experience to both Practices for the benefit all of our staff and patient populations.
BMC Paston Partners
September 2023